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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): Trends and Challenges in 2024

  • Akansha Sharma
  • Jan 27, 2024
  • RFID
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): Trends and Challenges in 2024

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology has witnessed significant advancements in recent years, transforming the way we connect and interact with the world around us. In smarthomes, BLE facilitates effortless communication and interaction between various devices like smart thermostats that intuitively adjust temperatures and connected lighting systems that respond to voice commands amongst others. As an IoT, BLE enables a harmonious ecosystem where devices collaborate to enhance comfort, convenience, energy efficiency, even enhance emergency services whether it's unlocking doors with a smartphone, monitoring home security through connected cameras, managing entertainment systems with a touch or sending out emergency alerts on people’s mobiles and ensure timely evacuation.

As we look towards 2024, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and challenges in the BLE landscape. Additionally, security and privacy concerns must be addressed as the BLE ecosystem becomes increasingly complex.

BLE and BLE Beacons

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), often known as Bluetooth Smart, is a wireless communication technology used for short-range communication among devices. Unlike classic Bluetooth, which consumes more power, BLE is optimized for low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-powered devices.

BLE beacons are the perfect rendition of BLE technology, offering seamless data transmission, broadcasting information over long range through Periodic Advertisement with Response (PAwR) to nearby BLE enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets. These small devices can be easily set up in retail, marketing and warehousing operations, allowing for seamless data broadcasting and periodic advertisements.

The adoption of BLE technology has been steadily increasing over the years, driven by the growing demand for connected devices and the Internet of Things (IoT). According to a report published by, the global market for BLE technology is expected to reach 5.9 billion USD in 2024 to 7.6 billion USD in 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9%. Business sectors like retail, marketing, supply chain and healthcare etc. are the prominent sectors driving this huge demand.

BLE operates in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, which is available globally, and uses a frequency-hopping spread spectrum to minimize interference from other wireless devices. It offers a range of up to 100 meters, depending on the environment and the power of the devices. BLE devices are typically divided into two categories: central devices and peripheral devices. Central devices, such as smartphones and tablets, initiate and control communication, while peripheral devices, such as sensors and wearable devices, provide data or respond to commands.

Top BLE Trends in 2024

The landscape of BLE technology in 2024 appears promising with a focus on trends like 5G, Ultra-Low-Power Design, BLE wearables, security, networking, photovoltaic beacons, and Virtual Bluetooth LE.

1. Integration with 5G

BLE seamlessly aligns with 5G technology. In the year 2024, its integration is expected to be a momentum device enabling high-speed connectivity and low-latency 5G networking.

2. Location-Based Services

BLE's ability to provide precise inside and outside location data is gaining traction. Location-based services, such as asset tracking, indoor navigation, and proximity marketing are expected to grow in 2024 thanks to BLE technology.

3. Ultra-Low-Power Design

The quest for longer battery life in BLE devices continues unabated. Advancements in ultra-low-power design will continue to be a trademark in 2024, ensuring that BLE devices operate efficiently for extended periods with minimal power consumption, providing a wide range of IoT uses. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) and manufacturers are working together to improve the quality of Bluetooth beacons through the use of novel materials and more efficient Bluetooth protocols.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE): Trends and Challenges in 2024

4. BLE Wearables

The BLE technology has become the go to technology when it comes to IoT wearables such as smartwatches and smart wristbands and trackers. Not just that, fashion wearables such as eyewears, neckwears as well as healthcare wearable devices are increasingly using the BLE technology for seamless data broadcasting and data sharing between other smart devices such as smartphones. The wearable technology market, as per a report by Markets and Markets is expected to reach 265.4B USD by 2026 and BLE technology has a huge role to play in this tremendous growth.

5. Security Augmentation

With the growing emphasis on security in the domain of IoT and linked devices, BLE is expanding to deliver more secure features. In 2024, security mechanisms and encryption approaches for BLE are expected to be refined.

6. Mesh Networking

BLE mesh networking is becoming used for managing large networks of networked devices. BLE mesh technology is expected to evolve further in 2024, allowing for more complex and widespread IoT implementations.

7. Photovoltaic Beacons

Photovoltaic beacons (PV) are beacons enabled with artificial light. They are comparable to solar panels but can be used in facilities that require artificial, consistent illumination, such as airports and retail stores. They require extremely minimal maintenance because the battery does not need to be replaced sometimes, and we anticipate seeing more of them deployed in 2024.
8. Virtual Bluetooth LE

V-BLE is a new technology that describes how a single access point or device can replicate the behavior of numerous Bluetooth LE beacons. The goal is to establish a virtual representation of beacon signals at preset places that applications and systems can interpret as if they came from physical beacons. However, it's crucial to emphasize that, while the concept is exciting, its actual application is still in the works.

Challenges of BLE implementation

To successfully implement BLE technology, it is important to consider and address the challenges that come with it. Here are some of these challenges:

1. Interoperability

Despite BLE's extensive usage, interoperability challenges remain, especially when interfacing with other wireless protocols or legacy systems. Mitigating these interoperability issues will take primacy in 2024.

2. Privacy Hurdles

The use of BLE for location-based services and data transmission highlights ongoing privacy concerns. The delicate balance between data collection for service development and user privacy protection will remain a significant concern.

3. Spectrum Congestion

The increased use of the 2.4 GHz band with the increasing number of wireless devices, including BLE, could result in spectrum congestion. In 2024, efforts to reduce interference and improve spectrum usage will become more important.

4. Scalability Concerns

As the number of BLE devices increases, scalability concerns may arise. Effectively managing large-scale BLE implementations, particularly in industrial IoT contexts, is a challenging task that requires attention.
5. Consider power efficiency

Optimize power consumption to extend battery life and reduce maintenance requirements with BLE, through careful design considerations, such as minimizing power-hungry features and optimizing data transmission.

Benefits and advantages of BLE technology

It offers several benefits and advantages that make it a popular choice for developers and manufacturers:

1. Another advantage of BLE is its compatibility with smartphones and tablets. Since most people already own a smartphone, BLE-enabled devices can easily connect to and interact with these devices, providing a seamless user experience. It also opens up opportunities for innovative applications and services that leverage the power of smartphones.
2. BLE also provides fast and reliable data transfer, with a data rate of up to 1 Mbps. It is suitable for applications that require real-time data, such as sports and fitness tracking, as well as industrial automation. Additionally, BLE supports multiple connections, allowing for simultaneous communication with multiple devices.

In conclusion, BLE technology has revolutionized the way we connect and interact with the world around us. As we look towards 2024, BLE is expected to continue its growth and play a crucial role in various industries. While there are challenges and limitations to overcome, such as compatibility, security, range, advancements in technology, and standardization, With the increasing adoption of IoT devices and the demand for wireless communication solutions, BLE is well-positioned to meet the needs of a connected world.

Frequently Asked Questions on BLE

Q1) How does BLE contribute to the advancements in location-based services in 2024?
BLE is enhancing location-based services that enable precise indoor positioning, asset tracking, and proximity marketing. The technology facilitates improved user experiences and operational efficiencies.

Q2) How is BLE driving advancements in wearable technology, and what benefits does it bring in 2024?
BLE is driving innovations in wearables to provide low-power connectivity. In 2024, it will contribute to longer battery life, enhancing the practicality and usability of wearable devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches.

Q3) How is BLE addressing security concerns in 2024, and what measures are being taken to fortify its resilience against cyber threats?
In 2024, BLE will adopt advanced encryption and authentication protocols to address security concerns. The integration of secure elements and improved key management contribute to creating a more robust security framework.

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  • Created on Jan 27, 2024

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