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BLE Beacons & Gateways

(8 products available)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons are small, low-cost, low power-consuming devices that can be used to broadcast a Bluetooth Low Energy signal to nearby Bluetooth devices. They are often used for tracking and advertising purposes.

BLE Gateways are devices that act as bridge connecting BLE beacons and Bluetooth devices. It can receive and process the signals from multiple BLE Beacons. They have a range of features, such as being able to receive and transmit data over the internet or providing a link between a network of BLE devices and a mobile application. Gateways can also be used to control and monitor BLE devices, and to collect and store data from them.

EnCStore offers a range of quality BLE beacons and BLE gateways in different price range, suitable for various applications in asset management, inventory control, retail, advertising, healthcare, etc.

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