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The Future of Smart Homes: IoT and BLE Powered Innovations

  • Abhishek Shukla
  • Jul 03, 2023
  • RFID
IoT and BLE Powered Innovations

Internet of Things or IoT technology has weaved a network of interconnected devices that are capable of sharing data online enabling a higher living standard for millions of people. From health monitoring, sleep monitoring to smart lighting, smart metering, vehicle tracking, and access control at homes and offices, IoT has proven to be very successful in getting people onboard with modern technologies with no major concerns so far. 

In recent years, smart homes have become more popular than ever before. Technological advancements in home automation have made it possible to control various aspects of a home remotely, and this trend is set to continue in the future as well. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are becoming increasingly relevant to the field of smart home technology, and these innovations are predicted to have a significant impact on the future of smart homes.

Internet of Things, BLE and Smart Homes 

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of inter-connected devices that can communicate with each other, enabling various devices to interact and work together as a system. With the popularity of smartphones, many Internet of Things devices have made their way into homes of common people worldwide and the no. of such devices is only growing. As per a report, currently there are 15B IoT devices worldwide and the no. is expected to double (29.42B) by 2030.

The technology is becoming very pervasive and increasingly important for smart homes, as it allows for better integration and automation of various smart devices. 

Apart from that, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology is making devices more energy-efficient, thereby extending battery life, reducing power usage, and allowing for better performance. 

See, BLE is a short range communication standard developed over Bluetooth 4.0 specification in 2010 and it was developed for reducing power consumption that other short range technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth couldn’t avoid. BLE is especially relevant for smart homes, where numerous devices typically need to be connected, and power consumption must be monitored carefully.

In the future, we can expect IoT-powered smart homes to become even more sophisticated and feature-rich, with devices that can anticipate users' needs and act proactively and BLE is likely to see greater integration with IoT-based smart home devices, enabling them to communicate more efficiently, and work together in a more coordinated manner.

The Future of Smart Homes

The future of smart homes will be focused on low energy consumption and greater living experience. The smart home technology is expected to evolve in several other ways, including the introduction of 5G networks for faster connectivity and lower latency, advanced voice recognition technology for more natural interfaces, and AI technology for improved learning and prediction. These technologies will further enhance the smart home experience, providing users with greater convenience, comfort, and control over their home environment.

Smart proximity sensors and devices based on low power consuming technologies will see more adoptions in future owing to energy saving efforts by many countries and the sustainability push by ESG (environmental, social, and governance) framework. 

Here are some of the trends that are expected to shape the future of smart homes:

•   Voice assistants like Amazon's Alexa and Google Assistant in smart homes that can be used to control smart devices, play music, and answer questions.

•   Sensors in smart homes for detecting motion, temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors.

•   Wearables like smartwatches and fitness trackers, integrated with emergency services and health monitoring devices.

•   Proximity- based access control system and smart homes security with alarms and emergency alerts in case of trespassing.

It is also worth noting that the adoption of smart home technology is not without challenges. One of the main concerns is the security implications of having numerous connected devices in the home, which could potentially be vulnerable to hacking or malicious attacks. So, it will be important for device manufacturers and consumers to prioritize security and ensure that adequate measures are in place to safeguard against potential risks.

To summarize, smart homes are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and the integration of new technologies such as IoT, LPWAN,NB-IoT and low power consuming BLE is driving this trend. As these technologies continue to evolve and improve, their impact on home automation and user convenience will only become more significant. 

The key to a successful adoption of smart home technology in the future will be to balance convenience with security, ensuring that homes remain safe and secure while enjoying the benefits of automation and connectivity but increased focus on energy saving technologies will shape the future of smart homes as well.

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  • Created on Jul 03, 2023

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