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Benefits of RFID and Why RFID Solutions are Needed

  • Administrator
  • Sep 09, 2022
  • RFID
RFID Solutions

RFID access control is a very flexible technology having applications throughout the business from controlling manufacturing processes till the maintenance and inspection of equipment; it can also help in managing assets and tracking goods through the distribution.

There are numerous benefits of RFID systems for businesses of all sizes and it allows them to rapidly improve efficiency and reduce cost. All this is done by automating processes and improving utilization of assets and quality. RFID access control can build the basis of an effective asset management system and is also at the heart of the IoT (Internet of Things).

Here we will discuss some of the benefits of RFID:

Asset Tracking and Inventory Management

Tracking assets and materials is a great challenge for many organizations; whether it is the components on the production line, dispatching of finished goods, returning industrial containers, or tools, laptops and other high-value equipment that are prone to go missing. RFID access control offers a fast and reliable way of tracking these without counting each individual item.

With the help of RFID application one can immediately see how many items are there of any one type and their location and what is their stage in the process. Tracking these items from the time they are received in the stores, issued to manufacturing unit and used in a finished item all becomes so hassle-free. This also helps in managing inventory, performing stock checks and audits and control shrinkage. RFID is also helpful in finding items that are on site but have been misplaced.

Saves Time and Money

RFID applications can help in tracking down movement of goods and upload such information to the ERP or financial management system automatically. This helps in removing the need of manual form filling and also replaces outdated spreadsheets. With fixed readers placed at key points helps in saving even more time and for example on a production line it can eliminate the need for manual intervention completely. 

Improve Data Accuracy and Availability

As the data is collected and uploaded electronically, RFID also help in avoiding transcription errors, duplication of data and missing items when collection of data is of larger number of items. As it is a cloud-based system it helps everyone in the organization to see the up-to-date information of the whereabouts or status of items. These data can also be shared with customers.

Enhancing Health and Safety

RFID access control system allows businesses to check when the equipment and vehicles have been inspected or when the inspection is due, it also restricts the use if some conditions are not met. There are systems that offer an efficient way to manage inspection and reporting and help in satisfying insurers that processes are being followed.

Better Control of Production

As with the help of RFID individual items or components can be identified, it is best for complex or customized manufacturing processes for instance, ensuring that specific moulds are filled with the correct volume of liquids, or specific components end up on the right production line. 

Enhanced Quality and Traceability

The system also ensures that the items have gone through all the correct checks and processes for instance a boiler has assembled correctly and also it is inspected and approved before delivering it to the customer, thus it improves the quality and also reduces the number of goods returned. With RFID tagging one can be ensured with the traceability by tracking an item right from its point of origin.

Increased revenues

With improved inventory management, businesses using RFID can provide a service that helps in creating competitive differentiation and also promotes increased customer satisfaction all this with opportunities for higher sales and better margins.

More In-Depth Information

As RFID captures data in real-time at different stages in the asset’s or product’s lifecycle, it helps in enhancing the management information for planning and operational purposes. Companies by using these insights can drive further for efficiency improvements.

Shorter Processes

RFID applications can be easily integrated with other manufacturing or supply chain technologies – such as automated pallet handling and stock picking systems – this helps in reducing the time from order to dispatch and delivery.

Rapid Payback Time

RFID is a very cost-effective technology and as it is cost saving and enhance revenues the cost of the initial outlay can be covered easily.

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  • Created on Jun 14, 2022

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