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How can we use QR Codes in the workplace?

How can we use QR Codes in the workplace?

QR Codes have become an integral part of the marketing and advertising world and rightly so. These two-dimensional barcode images are easy to scan and efficient in terms of spreading information digitally and physically. But that is not all QR Codes offer. These are actively used in access control at offices, schools, and libraries allowing the administration to accurately manage and gather detailed records of people visiting the premises. In office buildings, QR codes allow you to implement a visitor management system and attendance tracking system with QR code integrations with the existing ERP/CRM systems being used. 

QR Codes are transforming the Workplace

QR Codes, by design, are an upgrade of barcodes that have been in use for decades. The first barcode-based item tagging was implemented in the 1970s in an Ohio, USA retail store and since then, barcodes have been the sole technology transforming retail inventory management. 

Come 1994, a Japanese Engineer named Masahiro Hara invented the QR Code technology, a 2-D barcode technology that offers quick response scanning, as the name QR Code suggests. 

QR codes, also known as Quick Response codes, have become increasingly prevalent in various aspects of our daily lives at present. Originally designed for inventory management, these square-shaped barcodes have found their way into the workplace, offering numerous benefits. Since QR Codes can be encoded vertically and horizontally, these barcodes can be encoded with large amounts of text, numbers, and even an image or PDF file, which means more data sharing and better communication. 

At a Workplace, these QR codes can transform various processes such as visitor management, employee attendance, access control, asset tracking and management, and security. It can be leveraged to increase employee efficiency and workplace productivity as well.

Benefits of QR Codes in the Workplace

QR codes offer an efficient way to transfer information, allowing quick QR scans with smartphones, tablets, and barcode scanners. Some of the benefits of implementing QR codes in a workplace are as follows:

Efficient Information Transfer with QR Codes

QR codes provide a quick and convenient way to transfer information. With a simple scan using a smartphone or a specialized barcode reader, employees can access a wealth of data, such as product information, instructions, or employee directories. It allows employees to save time, improve productivity, and minimize errors.

QR Codes can Manage Assets and Inventory 

QR codes offer an efficient solution for inventory and asset management. One can affix QR codes to items and easily track their location, quantity, and other relevant details which help streamline stock-taking processes, reduce manual errors, and enables real-time updates, ensuring more accurate inventory management.

QR Codes Streamline Access Control

QR codes enable simplified access control systems in the workplace as well. QR Codes can be integrated with employee identification badges allowing organizations to enhance security protocols. 

Employees can easily scan their badges to gain access to restricted areas or log their attendance, eliminating the need for physical keys or manual time-tracking systems.

QR Codes are great for Visitor Management Systems

When it comes to visitor management, QR code is the go-to technology for businesses. It is a cost-effective way to generate a visitor ID, with the visitor name, image, and other details all encoded in just one QR Code. 

Dynamic QR Codes can be easily integrated with existing systems as well and can be edited digitally afterward, which presents a flexible and scalable option to track visitors at workplaces and offer an impressive first interaction with the business. 

QR Codes Enhance Marketing and Customer Engagement

QR codes provide opportunities for businesses to enhance their marketing efforts as well. It can be incorporated into advertisements, flyers, or product packaging, allowing companies to direct customers to specific landing pages, promotions, or surveys. 

Such interactive ideas create engagement, facilitate data collection, and enable targeted marketing campaigns leading to enhanced productivity and value creation. 

Limitations of QR Codes in the Workplace

Though QR Codes offer ample opportunities in the workplace, there are certain limitations to QR technology as follows:

Technology Dependence

QR codes heavily rely on technology, specifically smartphones or barcode readers, and the internet to function effectively. It creates a barrier for individuals who do not have access to these devices or are unfamiliar with their usage. Employers must consider the technological capabilities and literacy of their workforce before implementing QR code systems. However, with increasing smartphone penetration in developed and developing countries, using a smartphone to scan a barcode/QR code is a non-issue. 

Limited Information Storage

QR codes have limited storage capacity, typically ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand characters. While this is sufficient for most purposes, it can be a limitation for businesses that require extensive data storage or complex information transmission. Therefore, employers must carefully assess their information requirements before opting for QR code solutions.

Vulnerability to Damage or Alteration

QR codes are susceptible to damage or alteration, which can render them unreadable or provide inaccurate information. Factors such as wear and tear, exposure to extreme conditions, or tampering can compromise the integrity of the codes. Regular maintenance and safeguards are essential to ensure their reliability and usability.

However, by design, QR Codes can be scanned without any issue, if there is a little damage to QR Codes.

QR codes offer significant benefits in the workplace, including efficient information transfer, streamlined inventory management, simplified access control, and enhanced marketing opportunities. However, Employers must carefully evaluate their specific needs, technological infrastructure, and workforce capabilities before implementing QR code systems.

When utilized effectively, QR codes can revolutionize workplace processes, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Where QR codes should be displayed?

Most often QR codes are displayed at the front desk or near the entry/exit points at a workplace. In businesses where digital payment is required, QR code stands are displayed at various junctions to allow easy payments. 

Q2. What are QR codes used for in business?

Depending upon the business, QR Codes can be used for digital payment, information sharing, marketing and advertisement, digital promotions, access control allowing entry and exits, ticketing, visitor and employee time management, asset tracking and management, etc. 

Q3. What are the benefits of QR codes for a company?

Companies can benefit from QR Codes in terms of digital payment, visitor management, attendance tracking, asset management, ticketing and event management, etc. 

Since QR Codes can store more data, they can be used for promotions and advertisements, apart from identification and tracking of individuals and assets. 

Q4. What is a QR code for employees?

A QR Code for employees allows one to identify, track, and provide access control benefits. At a Workplace, one can identify employees from visitors manage the flow of visitors, and prevent overcrowding. 

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  • Created on Nov 21, 2023

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