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How RFID Enabled ‘Weigh in Motion’ Stations Can Help Truckers?

  • Mahesh Tiwari
  • Mar 13, 2023
  • RFID
RFID Enabled Weigh in Motion Stations

Over past few years RFID has seen an unprecedented growth that can be mostly attributed to need of automation in businesses like retail, supply chain and logistics, retail being the driving force. The two and half year long coronavirus pandemic only amplified this further. Businesses and service providers are also utilizing this opportunity to employ various AIDC technologies to increase automation in business processes, increase visibility and improve customer experience.

One such use of RFID as an AIDC  tool is its use in ‘weigh in motion’ stations that allow truckers that are often loaded with cargo in thousands of kilograms, to pass without having to slow down allowing for smooth, hassle free movement on highways.

What is RFID enabled Weigh Stations?

RFID enabled weigh stations on highways provide truckers a smooth pass, without having to slow down. The weigh in motion system is designed to capture and record individual axle weight and gross vehicle weight as trucks pass over a sensor enabled weighing station. 

A ‘weigh in motion sensor’ typically captures dynamic tire force at a specified location with respect to time and estimates tire loads, axle spacing, vehicle speed and vehicle class or configuration accordingly.

In 2018, Indian road transport and highways ministry notified that the lower axle weight has often been cited as one of the major factors responsible for high logistics cost in India and incidence of overloading and this needs a revision. The issue of revision of axle weight was also raised in the Meeting of the Group of Transport Ministers of the States, who recommended to increase the permissible axle weight of transport vehicles and it was done so accordingly. 

What happens is that when RFID tagged (on windshield) trucks pass by a weighing station with weigh in motion sensor, vehicle details embedded in RFID tags is automatically captured and recorded in the system. If trucks meet the standards that allow them to pass, a radio signal is transmitted giving trucks a green light. 

RFID readers are placed at station to allow for automatic capture of data from the RFID tags. 

What are the benefits of RFID enabled weigh in motion station ?

RFID has been a go to tool for automatic data capture and identification for many businesses. With advent of internet 5g and rapid implementation of RFID in recent years, the per tag cost of RFID have also come down to 4-5 cents (a cent is 1/100th of a USD) from 40 cents earlier. This allows for more customized use of RFID for easing business operations in many sectors, for small and for medium businesses as well.

The use of RFID for bypassing ‘weigh in motion station’ is a simple yet very effective move that enhances the mobility and public driving experience on expressways and highways, specially benefitting Truckers and Truck Companies. 

Here are some of the benefits of a RFID enabled ‘Weigh in motion’ stations:

1. Easy traffic movement on highways: A RFID enabled weigh in motion station allows for an easy movement of heavy vehicles which results in reduced traffic jams and easy traffic movement on expressways and highways.

2. Time saving for truckers and truck companies: ‘Time is money’ phrase is not lost on anyone. A RFID enabled weigh in motion allows for bypassing the station and truckers can just keep going. Even though it’s a small amount of time but it’s significant for logistics operations.

3. Fuel savings: It is a known fact that stopping a speeding vehicle for weighing and then starting again costs fuel. Though it’s a minor saving for a single truck, truck companies that operate hundreds of trucks benefit significantly. 

"Saving fuel is also a sustainable choice now"

4. Reduced Road accidents: A RFID enabled weigh in motion captures the data of trucks automatically and allows them to pass on that basis, without having them to stop.  With no parked trucks on roadside, it results in significantly reduced traffic and reduced road accidents as well.

5. More concentration on defaulters: With RFID enabled weigh in motion in place, the state can use more manpower on inspecting carriers that do not meet the required standards.

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  • Created on Mar 13, 2023

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