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BLE Beacon and IoT for Smart Home Security

BLE Beacon and IoT for Smart Home Security

It’s truly bewildering to think how far we as humans have come when it comes to technological inventions and improving the living standards of billions of people through such technological achievements over the decades. From telephone calls to SMS, Email and Internet instant messaging, people all over the world are now connected thanks to these technologies. And now with AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard, voice assistants like Cortana, Alexa and Siri, we are talking to machines in human-made languages as well.

Internet of Things (IoT) and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are two of the most famous technologies that are connecting physical devices to the digital world.

BLE Beacon and IoT

BLE or BLE beacon is a low-power, short-range wireless technology that can be used to connect devices to each other and to the internet. This makes it ideal for use in smart home devices, which are often battery-powered and need to be able to communicate with each other over long distances. On the other hand, IoT is a network of physical objects that are connected to the internet and can collect and exchange data which can be used to monitor and control devices in the home, such as lights, thermostats, and locks.

BLE and IoT can be used together to improve and create a more secure and efficient smart home. For example, BLE can be used to track the location of devices in the home, and IoT can be used to control access to devices. These technologies can be used to monitor and control devices in the home, and they can be used to track the location of devices and people and gather information that can be used to prevent unauthorized access to the home, to detect and respond to intrusions, and to protect valuables.

The most significant feature of BLE is PAwR which stands for periodic advertisement with response. It is a technology that is used to send periodic advertisements to nearby devices. These advertisements can contain information such as the device's name, type, and location. When a device receives an advertisement, it can respond with information of its own. This allows devices to communicate with each other without having to be paired or connected.

BLE is a promising technology that has the potential to be used for a variety of purposes, including

Smart home automation

BLE can be used to control smart home devices, such as lights, thermostats, and locks. For example, a BLE-enabled light bulb could be programmed to turn on when a person enters the room and turn off when the person leaves.

It can be used to track the location of devices in the home as BLE sensors can be placed on valuable items, and can be used to track the location of these items in the home.

IoT security

Using BLE beacon and its PAwR feature, you can improve the security of IoT devices. A BLE-enabled security camera (an IoT) could send an alert to the user's smartphone if it detects movement.

Although BLE with is BLE 5.0 specification (PAwR and advance data encryption and more) is still under development, it has the potential to be a valuable tool for a variety of purposes in near future. As the technology continues to develop, it is likely to become even more powerful and versatile.

BLE and IoT can be used to improve smart home security

BLE can be used to create a perimeter security system. BLE sensors can be placed around the perimeter of the home, and they can be used to detect when someone enters or leaves the property. IoT, on the other hand, can be used to control access to devices in the home. It can be used to lock and unlock doors, turn on and off lights, and adjust the thermostat as well.

Some additional benefits of using BLE and IoT for smart home security are as follows:

  • BLE and IoT are relatively inexpensive technologies. Thus prove to be a cost-effective way to improve smart home security.
  • These are easy to install and use, hence a good choice for homeowners who are not familiar with security technology.
  • Both of these technologies are constantly evolving which means that new features and capabilities are being added all the time, which can help to keep homes even more secure.
  • BLE and IoT are powerful technologies that can be used to improve smart home security. By using these technologies together, homeowners can create a more secure and efficient home that is better protected from unauthorized access and intrusions.

A smart home is where objects are connected to each other and to the internet, sharing desired data and communicating with each other. From smart kitchen appliances and smart showers to smart dishwashers, smart lighting, smart drawing room smart utilities, water, gas and power metering, IoT has unlocked a wide range of new possibilities. BLE and IoT together can enable a safe and secure smart home. These technologies can felicitate 24*7 monitoring of your home, its exit and entry points, setting up alarms and smartphone alarms in case someone tries to intrude. It can keep kids safe and give you a piece of mind when you’re away from home. With BLE and IoT, a smart, self monitoring home is truly possible.

Furthermore, these technologies are constantly evolving and offer more opportunities in smart home and smart home security sector.

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  • Created on May 27, 2023

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